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by Alan Horvath

I don't know why anyone would string a guitar by putting the end of the string through the tuner-hole, and then winding and cranking and winding and cranking ... winding some more ... cranking some more ... and winding and cranking and winding and cranking ... man! Have you ever seen the wad of string that sits around the peg of a guitar strung that way? Pulleeeze!!! That is *not* the reason they give you all that extra string.

Whenever I see a guitar strung in this manner, I know I'm looking at a guitar that goes out of tune every ten minutes or less! Consider all the pressure created when a string is fully cranked to it's proper pitch. I wouldn't want my finger between that string and the nut! There's alot of pressure going on, eh? Mere common sense tells you that a string wound some twenty or thirty revolutions -- and rather loosely at that! -- around that little peg, is gonna stretch for quite some time before all that slack is taken up! What a miserable experience! Have you ever noticed, after putting a fresh set of strings on your guitar, that it takes a couple of days before all the strings stop stretching? It's a real pain, ain't it? Well, let's put an end to that, once and for all.

When I string up my guitar with a new set of sweet crunchy bronze wound honeys, and set all the strings in tune, I can put it back in it's case and be fully confident that the next time I take it out of the case, it'll be in perfect pitch. And here's how it's done:

For the Record:

Heavy - - - - - Thin
Procedure for Steel Strings | Acoustic or Electric Guitars:

Picturing the #6, #5, and #4 Strings:
NOTE: This illustrates the procedure when all of the tuning
pegs are on one side of the neck - like a Fender Strat.

Step One... Step Two...
@ | The Wonderful Frank Ford
If you need further clarity concerning the above procedure, Frank Ford will repeat the process for you, with photographs of each and every step - including a few more cool tips, to boot! THANKS Frank!

Procedure for Nylon Strings | Classical Guitar:

Schedule for Changing Strings:

Cleaning Your Guitar:

Tuning Your Guitar: